Both inputs have ‘sensitivity pad’ buttons, meaning you can use either passive or active pickups and/or microphones. This allows for quite a few combinations – you can plug a microphone into Channel 1 and your guitar into Channel 2 if you’re a solo performer at a small venue, for example. The amp has two inputs on top Channel 1 is a combi XLR/jack socket, meaning you can plug either a microphone cable or a standard guitar jack into it, and Channel 2 is a standard instrument jack input. Looks are most definitely deceiving in the case of the Alpha the moment you plug your electro-acoustic guitar into this, you’ll be amazed at the clarity, the warmth and the depth this little thing produces. The Alpha 40 is the baby of the family, packing 40w into a small, practice-amp sized box. Don’t be fooled by the number, though it’s 40 extremely well-used watts.ĪER (“Audio Electric Research”) are a German-based company who offer a range of different amplifiers and guitar pickups. The AER Alpha acoustic amp is an exemplar of fine German engineering and musicians’ ingenuity combined, packed into a modest 40 watts of output. …I have never heard a better acoustic amplified sound than what comes from this amp… It is still with me and working and performing beautifully, having been gigged quite strenuously since I bought it back in 2007.

After a bout of acoustic amplifier window-shopping six years ago, it didn’t take long for me to realise the AER Alpha was the right choice for me, and I bought it straight away.